Yukon Climate Action Network
Questions for Whitehorse Mayor and Council Candidates
October 2024
Read candidate answers in the links below!
Question 1: Please provide your level of agreement with the following statement: "Municipalities should consider costs to the climate for all budget items being considered. This would mean inclusion of the following considerations for each budget item: Will it help reduce greenhouse gas emissions? Will it increase greenhouse gas emissions? If yes, efforts must be made to minimize GHG impacts."
Question 2: The Council of Canadians Yukon Chapter has released a Climate Emergency Declaration, which has been endorsed by a number of businesses, organizations and individual residents. It can be found here: https://www.cofcyukon.org/declaration Would you commit to acting in alignment with the Declaration if you are elected?
Question 3: Is there a role for regional or municipal food policy to play in addressing the climate crisis and if so, what does it look like?
Question 4: Please provide your level of agreement with the following statement: "As Whitehorse, "The Wilderness City", faces more wildfires, landslides, erosion and flooding, due to climate change, subsequently forcing hungry bears into urban areas, we must act. By becoming a Bear Smart Community, as in 18 other Bear Smart communities in BC and Alberta, which includes adopting better waste management practices and educating residents in affected communities, we can reduce human-bear conflicts, keep residents safe, and prevent the killing of bears drawn to our city center neighborhoods and the city’s wilderness edges."
Question 5: The City of Whitehorse is in the process of developing its Climate Action Plan. What work would you do as part of Whitehorse City Council to ensure its success? What actions related to climate mitigation or adaptation do you think deserve the highest priority?
Question 6: The City's draft climate action plan (see https://www.engagewhitehorse.ca/climate-action-plan , page 7) shows that Whitehorse emissions have only kept rising since the City declared a Climate Emergency in 2019. Furthermore, the science behind climate change indicates that change is happening faster than previously predicted. Do you believe that the Whitehorse Climate Action plan should commit to aggressive greenhouse gas reduction goals with clear timelines that reflect the increasing urgency of the climate crisis?
Candidate Responses
Click on each candidate's name to read their reply to the questions.
Jenny Hamilton
​Ken Schick
Norma Felker
Paolo Gallina
Tony Lundgaard
Waiting for replies from:​
Dan Boyd
Kirk Cameron
Dino Rudniski
Jack Bogaard
Gary Smith
Andrew Robulack
Nesty Paron
Jay Wilneff
This list of questions was developed by the Yukon Climate Action Network, which is a collaboration between the Council of Canadians Yukon Chapter, For Their Future Yukon, Yukon Food Security Network, Seniors for Climate Action Yukon Chapter and Grizzly Bear Protection Yukon Society.